S. NO. |
Name of the principal investigator, Guide and Departments |
Topic |
1. |
Dr. Faiza Guide : Dr. N.R.Chourasia Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |
“Study of stainless steel miniplates used for fixation of midface fractures procured at different time intervals using Scanning Electron Microscope and Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis: An observational and cross-sectional study” |
2. |
Dr. Vivek Gadhesariya Guide : Dr. AnkitaVastani Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |
“Effect of pericoronalostectomy versus surgical extraction on the quality of life in patient suffering from pericoronitis secondary to impacted mandibular third molars : A prospective comparative clinical study “ |
3. |
Dr. Amit Giri Guide : Dr.Vedant Pahlajani Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery |
“Effect of surgical management on inflammatory markers (C reactive protein, WBC count and ESR values) in patients suffering from pericoronitis due to impacted mandibular third molar: A prospective clinical study” |
4. |
Dr. Pratik Sonagara Guide : Dr. Neeraj Agrawal Periodontics |
“Prophylactic extraction of visible third molars in the treatment of periodontitis – An observational study |
5. |
Dr. Vivek Guide : Dr. Neeraj Agrawal Periodontics |
“Patient attitude towards Periodontitis-a qualitative study” |
6. |
Dr. Shubhi S Rathore Guide : Dr. Kshitij Gupta Orthodontics &DentofacialOrthopaedics |
Comparative evaluation of conventional orthodontic technique versus peeso reamer facilitated micro-osteoperforations for retraction of maxillary canine: A prospective observational study. |
7. |
Dr. Himalaya Udaniya Guide : Dr. Ankur Chauksey Orthodontics &DentofacialOrthopaedics |
A comparative evaluation of shear bond strength of orthodontic bracket bonded to etched enamel surface by three different cleansing methods using sanitizer swab ,spirit swab and water spray .-An in-vitro study . |
8. |
Dr. Hitesh Guide : Dr. Prashant P jaju Oral Medicine & Radiology |
“Assessment of the Relationship Between the Mandibular Third Molar and the Inferior Alveolar Canal Using Panoramic Radiographs and CBCT Images – A Comparative Study” |
9. |
Dr. Humaira Guide : Dr. Prashant Jaju Oral Medicine & Radiology |
“Occurance of soft tissue calcifications on digital panoramic radiographs – a retrospective study” |
10. |
Dr. Shrikant Choubey Guide : Dr. Indra Gupta Conservative & Endodontics |
“Evaluation of radicular dentine thickness in single rooted premolar using different file system under cone beam computed tomography- An in vitro study” |
11. |
Dr. Yash Chakkarwar Guide : Dr. Hema BS Conservative & Endodontics |
“Comparison of canal transportation and centering ability of xpendo shaper, trunatomy, and hyflex cm : a cone beam computed tomography study of curved root canals” (in vitro study) |
12. |
Dr. Kuldeep Nagar Guide : Dr. Sasidhar Singaraju Oral Pathology & Microbiology |
“Quantitative estimation of serum albumin and uric acid levels in patients with oral submucous fibrosis-an in vitro study” |
13. |
Dr. JyotiSarathe Guide : Dr. GS Chandu Prosthodontics Crown & Bridge And Implantology |
“Comparitive Evaluation of Surface Hardness and Surface Roughness of Heat Polymerized Acrylic Resin immersed in different disinfectant solutions. An in Vitro Study.” |
14. |
Dr. Nithin Thomas Mathews Guide : Dr. GS Chandu Prosthodontics Crown & Bridge And Implantology |
“Evaluation and comparison of the tensile bond strength between polyvinyl siloxane impression material with two different tray materials using three different adhesives – an in-vitro study” |
15. |
Dr. Priyanka Khadatkar Guide : Dr. Babita Niranjan Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry |
“A comparative evaluation of fluoride release and rechargeability in Conventional GIC (type II), Pediatric GIC (type IX), and Cention – N – an in vitro study” |
16. |
Dr. Divya Sharma Guide : Dr. Kartik Choudhary Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry |
“In vitro comparison of three different file systems on dentin removal, taper of root canal and volumetric change in the root canal space in primary molars using cone beam computed tomography” |
17. |
Dr. Pragya Kumari Guide : Dr. Arpana Bansal Pedodontics& Preventive Dentistry |
“A comparative evaluation of microleakage of two different types of restorative material in primary and permanent teeth:- in vitro study.” |